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Wilkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome....

Hello, hello, hello,

This is my inaugural post on my brand new website! Its been forever and an age since I re-upped my personal website (mostly because its something that I never felt quite confident in my ability to pull of effectively) but Miss Corona has given me plenty of time to gather materials in order to present things in one place.

So here we are, no more excuses.

I am nearing the end of my MFA in European Devised Performance at Columbia College Chicago, and I am in full swing of production on my thesis project titled; Alexithymia (more details to come.) It has been quite a journey and something I will reflect on in due time, as my times at Arthaus in Berlin, my quarantine creativity, new found passions, and future move back to Berlin are something that occupy my mind frequently. But I wanted to drop a line, and a smile here first as I intend to be a lot more frequent with my posting.

Until next time,


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